Advent begins on Sunday 29th November and our service that day will be live-streamed via Zoom. The building should be open again on the following Sundays but of course a strict social distancing policy will apply to keep you safe. We will also be meeting via Zoom on Wednesday evenings during Advent - everyone is welcome. We hope to accommodate you at Christmas - here are some of the things you’ll need to know about our services on 24/25th December:

1. Can everyone fit in?

No - due to social distancing. Therefore you will need to book a seat on a first-come-first-served basis via or phone /WhatsApp 07400 795989.

2. How will I get in?

Through the usual door where you will be met by a welcomer.

3. Do I have to wear a face-mask?

Yes - the government has made the wearing of face-masks mandatory in places of worship.

4. How will I know where to sit?

You will be shown to your seat. 

5. Will I need to wash my hands?

Yes, on arrival, the welcomer will direct you to the hand sanitiser station.

6. What will happen about liturgy?

Liturgy booklets will be provided for you.

7. Will there be singing?

Only the band are permitted to sing but we hope their beautiful voices will uplift and bless you. You can hum!

8. What about the song words?

Words to the carols will be displayed on the TVs. 

9. Will there be Holy Communion?

Yes - this will be offered in a safe manner.

10. Will we share the peace?

Yes but there can be no physical touch and there will be no moving around the church.

11. Can I stay afterwards and talk?

Yes but not inside the building. Outside the front of the church please.

12. How will I exit?

Through the door at the rear of the hall.

13. Will there be refreshments?

No - the kitchen will be closed.

14. Will there be Junior Church?

Not on 24/25th December.

15. Will the toilets be open?

Only for absolute emergencies.

16. Will a register be taken?

Yes, so that we can comply with the government’s track-&-trace scheme.

17. Can I bring a friend?

Absolutely! But you will need to book them a seat beforehand.

18. What if I can’t make it?

Please call or text so we can make your seat available to someone else.

19. What if I don’t feel too well?

Please do not attend if you are feeling unwell.

20. Can I still join via zoom?

Yes, you will be able to join from home.

Contact us for the password to enable you to join.