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Baptism is the public sign of entry into the Christian faith. It is available to both children and adults within our community or who regard St Nicholas Perivale as their church and spiritual home. Baptism is the sacrament that gives access to all other Christian sacraments.

Traditionally, the word ‘Christening’ may have be used by many of our local and global communities. However, this word can be confusing partly because some parents would like to baptise their children as infants, whereas other parents would like to ‘give thanks’ to God for the birth of their child but prefer to allow their child to choose to be baptised when they are older. The word ‘Christening’ can also connect to problematic notions of ‘Christianising empires’ or ‘Christendom’. 

For the sake of clarity we prefer to use the biblical term ‘Baptism’ for the sacramental act that always involves water, light and oil. It is an outward sign of an inward grace that a person has ‘died to their old life’ and is ‘being raised into the kingdom of life’, in the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. 

Baptism classes can help older children, parents and adults understand the meaning of rebirth into the body of Christ and forgiveness and reconciliation with God.


Confirmation is a special service in which a person confirms the ‘promises of faith’ made at their baptism. It is the sacrament that recalls the confirmation of Holy Spirit after Jesus’ baptism in the River Jordan, at the outset of his ministry. Confirmation is an outward sign of a life changing outpouring of the Holy Spirit on a person’s life where they experience a new desire or thirst for God, a renewed commitment to following Jesus, and a deepening sense of the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Confirmation is carried out by a local bishop, who will lay their hands on your head and pray for God’s Holy Spirit to give you the strength, courage and commitment to live out God’s call, for the rest of your life.

Confirmation classes allow space for people to process what has been happening in their lives to bring them to confirmation as well as learn and explore the meaning of a spirit-filled life in community. Affirming your faith in this way is an important step. We would love to help prepare you and accompany you through the process. 


Weddings are special services in which two people commit themselves to life long holy matrimony.

If you are thinking about getting married at St Nicholas or would like to discuss it with the Rector, please get in touch by emailing us at

If you have already met with the Rector to discuss your wedding, click here to submit your wedding date request form.


Funerals are solemn services where we gather to honour the life of a loved one who has died and offer prayers for their eternal rest.

If you are considering arranging a funeral at St Nicholas or would like to speak with the Rector for guidance and support, please contact us at