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St Nicholas Church is a registered charity: we do not receive any funds from the government and rely entirely on the goodwill of our members and visitors.

The Church Of England covers all the costs of providing us with a trained priest and for this we make a small contribution. This means that all our overheads and outgoings for the care and running the building, for all the community activities and expenses have to be paid for, either by the funds that we raise amongst the congregation; by the donations of people who are participating in our activities or by the generosity of visitors and local businesses.

If you would like to support the work and mission of this church, you can do so in a number of ways:

1. Promoting the Use and Rental of Our Space 

We have an incredible space available for hire which is well-suited to hosting a range of activities, life events and conferences. Regular hiring of our space helps to funds all our community activities, so by renting, promoting and recommending our space to others you enable us to finance or subsidise our outreach to our vulnerable groups including our young people and elders as well as  contributing to the wider well-being of our local community.

2. Give a Donation

Your donations help us continue our mission and make a positive impact in our community. You can conveniently give through SumUp, a secure and easy-to-use platform. Every contribution, no matter the size, helps us provide vital services and spread love and hope. We appreciate your kindness and partnership in our ministry!

3. Parish Giving Scheme

The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is a convenient way of financially supporting the charitable activities within the parish by donating money to St Nicholas Church under its charitable status which automatically earns an extra 25% in gift aid contributions from the government. 

If you are a regular member of this church or a frequent visitor, could your consider making all your donations through PGS? Whether you would like to set up a direct debit or make a one-off donation, whether you would like to give a gift or leave a legacy, please consider using the PGS to help make your contribution to the mission of this church go further!

4. Legacy

St Nicholas Church was planted by a legacy. This is a donation made to the church after the death of a member or community patron. This can be a wonderful way of supporting a particular aspect of the life of the church and its ministry in the community, (for example ‘Youth Work' or 'Gospel Choir’ ) whilst remembering the passion or contribution of the deceased. If you would like to find more, please click here. If you have any further questions or would like to discuss leaving a legacy to St Nicholas, Perivale please contact the Rector at