Who Are We

St Nicholas Church, Perivale is co-led by the Rector and the Parish Church Council who work in partnership as the executive board of the church. The church is a registered charity that reports annually to the Charities Commission and as such, the PCC members are the trustees.

The PCC meets at least six times a year to discuss the business affairs of the church, including the governance, finance,, buildings and safeguarding.

The Standing Committee comprises of the Rector, Church Wardens, Treasurer, Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO) and the PCC Secretary who together advise and support the incumbent to ensure the effective functioning of the PCC and efficient delivery of the spiritual and missional aims of the parish. The Church Wardens are the legal representatives of the laity (congregation) and the Bishop of Willesten’s (Diocese of London) commissioned officers, specifically elected by the congregation at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) and sworn into their posts with the Treasurer at the Archdeacon’s Visitation.

The PCC is flexibly organised into teams that resource and focus on the short and medium term priorities of the church.

Meet the Team


The Rev’d Natasha



Church Warden - People, Relationships & Community Wellbeing




PCC Member, Pastoral Assistant


Church Warden -Building, Site Use & Integrity/Security


PCC Member & Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO)


PCC Member & Commissioned Lay Leader


PCC Member


PCC Member


PCC Member