our sunday service begins at 10am

  • The service is usually led by our Priest Andy Johnson who is assisted by various other helpers.

  • On arrival you will receive an easy-to-use service booklet to help you follow and join in.

  • We have chairs - no pews.

  • You can sit anywhere you like - there are no reserved seats.

  • The service lasts about 1 hour and 20 minutes.

  • Hymns and songs are led by our small worship band.

  • All the song words are on a sheet you are given at the door.

  • Song words are also projected onto four large TV screens that will also help guide you through the service.

  • We sing a mix of old and new songs - some you may know, others will be new to you.

  • During the singing of one of the songs we take up a collection for the work of the church. As a newcomer, you are not expected to contribute to this.

  • Children go out to Junior Church 20 minutes into the service

  • All those leading their class are DBS checked.

  • They rejoin the adults just before Holy Communion.

  • Everyone is welcome to come forward during Communion either for bread and wine or a simple prayer of blessing.

  • Tea and coffee is served afterwards for those who can stay.

  • As well as the main Christian festivals like Easter and Christmas, we have other specials like Back to School Sunday and Racial Justice Sunday.

  • At St Nicholas you will find we are a group of people who are genuine in our desire to love God and our neighbour. We enjoy meeting together and welcome newcomers.


we are part of the Church of England